Joovv Go 2.0 Treatment Guidelines

Joovv Go 2.0 Treatment Guidelines

Updated on:

Indications for Use

The Go 2.0 is an over the counter class II medical device that emits energy in the visible and IR spectrum intended to provide topical heating for the purpose of elevating tissue temperature for:

  • Temporary relief of minor muscle pain
  • Joint pain 
  • Minor arthritis pain 
  • Muscle spasms 
  • Temporary increase in local blood circulation
  • Temporary relaxation of muscles 

The Go 2.0 is not intended to cure or diagnose any medical conditions. Use of the device helps promote healthy skin, strong muscles, and overall health and wellness through optimizing cellular function. 

The Go 2.0 is intended to be used in home and commercial environments. Operation is intended by the user/patient.

Joovv Go Treatment

Getting Started

Refer to your Joovv Go 2.0 user manual for instructions. Here is a helpful video that includes additional tips on how to set up and operate your device. 

First Time Users

For first time users, we recommend starting out with 1-2 minute treatments per area, and slowly working up to a 10-minute session over the course of 2-3 weeks as your body acclimates to the therapy.

Protective Eyewear

The emitting surface covers the entire front surface area of the device. Eyewear is included and should be worn when using the device with Near Infrared (NIR) mode active and beam window directed at the user’s eyes. When treating, do not stare directly into the light emitting diodes (LEDs).

Standard Treatment (default setting)

A standard treatment utilizes both red and near infrared*. A 10-minute treatment with the device placed at 6-12 inches from your body is optimal. Once the cooldown period has completed, additional 10-minute sessions for symptomatic areas may be beneficial, but beyond that, the evidence points to diminishing returns (your cells can only absorb so much light at once). For this reason, we recommend you allow at least 6 hours between treatments of the same area.  

*Protective eyewear should be used when treating with near infrared and the beam window is directed at the user’s eyes. 

Treatment Guidelines - Standard

Recovery+ Treatment (app required)

Recovery+ reduces the intensity of the standard treatment mode by pulsing the near infrared*. Using this mode is ideal for recovery (eg. post workout, fatigue, etc). A 10-minute treatment at 6-12 inches from your device is optimal. Once the cooldown period has completed, an additional 10-minute session over the same area may be beneficial, but beyond two 10- minute treatments we recommend you allow at least 6 hours before treating the same area again.

*Protective eyewear should be used when treating with near infrared and the beam window is directed at the user’s eyes.

Treatment Guidelines - Recovery+

Topical Heating Treatment

The topical heating treatment distance is ideal for treating symptomatic areas. 10-20 minute treatments at 1-2 inches from your device is optimal. If you find that 1-2 inches is too intense, then we recommend following the standard treatment guidelines and increasing the number of sessions or selecting Recovery+ mode to reduce the intensity of the near infrared*.

*Protective eyewear should be used when treating with near infrared and the beam window is directed at the user’s eyes.

Treatment Guidelines - Topical Heating

What Treatment is best for me

The standard/Recovery+ Treatment guidelines are ideal for optimizing cellular function. When looking to treat symptomatic areas following the topical heating guidelines is ideal. But of course we recommend listening to your body above all else to determine the right treatment for you.  

Cooldown Mode

The Joovv Go 2.0 requires a cooldown period in-between each 10-minute session. During the cooldown period, the LED indicator will flash blue. Once completed, the flashing will stop and the device is ready to use.

Daily Use is Optimal

To get the most out of your Joovv, consistency is key. We recommend once daily use, although 2-3 times per day may be beneficial for symptomatic areas.

Any Time of Day

Use your Joovv when it works best for you! Some people love how it feels in the morning and say it perks them up for the day. Others wait until before or after a workout for max energy and recovery. The important thing is fitting  light therapy into your daily routine, regardless of the time.

Exposing Your Skin for a Joovv Treatment

For effective Joovv use, the area of your body that you’re treating needs to be exposed directly to the light. Clothing prevents the red and near infrared light from reaching your cells, so be sure to remove any garments from the part of your body you’re treating.

Joovv Go Treatment


You can still benefit from Joovv treatments while wearing makeup, but for optimal use, we recommend removing it and cleaning your skin so more light can reach your cells.


For electrical safety reasons, dry yourself after bathing or swimming before starting a treatment, and do not operate your Joovv with wet hands. Avoid using your Joovv in an area with excess water. 

FAQs for Light Therapy Treatments

Is red light therapy safe? Are there side effects from regular Joovv use?

Joovv uses only the red and near infrared wavelengths that are clinically-proven to be effective and safe. However, we always recommend consulting with your healthcare provider for specific questions about your health conditions.

Will light therapy treatments cause detox symptoms?

If your cells are starved for light, a full Joovv treatment may cause some detox-related symptoms before your body acclimates. If you experience these types of issues, we recommend stopping treatments until the symptoms go away. Then start out at 1-2 minutes per treatment area and work your way slowly up to 10 minutes over the course of 2-3 weeks. This will help your body adapt to a higher dosage of light. If you continue to experience detox-related symptoms and have any concerns regarding the use of photobiomodulation, we recommend stopping treatments and consulting with your healthcare provider.

Can I treat my eyes without protective eyewear?

The protective eyewear should be worn whenever Near-Infrared is active and your eyes are within the beam window. Eyewear is not required when the device is set to Red mode only. If you have any concerns on treating your eyes with the Red mode, we recommend consulting with your healthcare provider or optometrist. 

What if I use Botox?

Users with a history of facial fillers and Botox injections should consult their dermatologist prior to use.

What if I have breast implants?

Users with breast implants should consult their plastic surgeon prior to use.

What if I have medical implants?

As Photobiomodulation is still a relatively new therapy to the market, when it comes to using Red and NIR wavelengths with medical implants, we recommend you first consult with your healthcare provider.

What if I recently had LASIK surgery?

Do not use the device during the healing period post Lasik eye surgery. Before resuming treatment, we recommend getting clearance from your doctor. As always, we recommend following our treatment guidelines and making sure to use the provided goggles when using the NIR wavelength.

What if I have tattoos?

Users with black pigmented tattoos could experience skin blistering. Blistering can occur by inadvertent heating of the iron oxides and/or the metal salts in the tattoo’s black pigment. Tattoo locations can be covered prior to your treatment. When treating at the standard treatment distance of 6-12 inches, you may not experience a problem or feel the need to cover your tattoo, however we recommend listening to your body. Please note, we do not recommend treating at the topical heating distance on an area with tattoos.

What if I have a pre-existing health condition or take medications?

Joovv Generation 3.0 is classified as a medical device. Out of caution, we recommend you consult with your healthcare provider if you have any pre-existing conditions or if you take photosensitizing drugs like Tetracycline, Digoxin, Retin A, and others. Here is a current list of contraindication and precautionary warnings

Steroids work to suppress the immune system while Photobiomodulation works to stimulate it. The two therapies work against each other which is why we do not recommend they be used together.

As we are not health practitioners, we are not able to offer definitive clinical guidance. We recommend consulting with your trusted healthcare provider.

Can children use Joovv?

Clinical studies have shown light therapy to be safe and efficacious. However, if you’re considering using it with children, we recommend consulting with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns. Please also note, all treatments with children should be done under adult supervision. 

Can pregnant or nursing women use Joovv?

As there has been little clinical research done on red light therapy treatments for pregnant or nursing subjects, do not use the device if pregnant or lactating before consulting with your healthcare provider.

Can my pet use Joovv?

Veterinarians around the world have used red light therapy for years to treat dogs, horses, and many other animals. We recommend consulting with a veterinary professional for specific concerns.

How long does it take to see results?

The human body is complex, yet amazing! It is hard to predict the way your body will respond to Joovv and how quickly you will see results. It varies by person, their health and fitness challenges, and how consistent they are with treatments.

Will Joovv red light therapy help with my health condition?

Red light therapy is supported by a robust amount of peer-reviewed clinical data for a broad range of health benefits. You can learn more about some of the science by visiting our Learn Page. On a case-by-case basis, it would be impossible to give definitive guidance when we don’t know a person’s medical history or specific situation. If you’re looking for prescriptive advice, we recommend consulting with your healthcare provider.